Have you ever read a book and get so into it you have to finish it that night? The next day you wake up feeling like you have an emotional hangover? That is me every post event with people. It doesn't matter the size of event or if i have a big or small part in it. I get 100% invested emotionally and fret about everything to the point I ask myself do I want to do this? The next day (today) I sit here feeling like I am drained. All I want to do is drink my coffee in quiet and have a slow day to build up my energy again.
Yesterdays event, although small, had me in this state. I still had to work my 9 to 5 and was on night shifts. Then couple that with a few unexpected family events the week leading up and time was at a minimum. There were 3 other pieces i wanted to complete for this but at one point I told myself what I had would be fine. I never do my best work when rushed so made myself take a deep breath and just focus on doing the best I could with the time I had.
The morning of I was coming in with no sleep and felt like I don't want to do this. I was so glad the mentorship got pushed to next week. I asked myself why. The reasons were I was tired and there would be people there. The introvert in myself was at full level. Then I thought afterwards would I be happy I did this? Would this be something I will enjoy? The answer to both was yes. So told myself to stop complaining and get to it.
I did end up enjoying it the people were so nice and sales were pretty decent. From the last event I did I got a $3 per hr raise so slowly working up to something that could be sustainable.
I had two memorable moments from this show. The first one was of a lady who asked if I had done a charity piece last year and to my delight when she got home she sent me a picture of the finished piece. I had never got the chance to see it and I was so happy it turned out good and found a home with someone who enjoys it.
The second was this shy little boy. He was maybe 7. he kept coming up to the booth asking how did you do this, how did you do that? I asked him if he liked painting and he said yes. I gave him one of my small prints and hope he keeps up with his painting. It's always a joy to see that spark in another person. That free, open and ready to take on the world look. That I can do anything and the possibilities are endless look.
So now I am going to go finish my coffee and have a quiet day before I start my next commission tonight.
Have a great day
Jackie ❤️